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  • Writer's pictureTiberiu

Beyond bucks: 7 ways to make a difference

Updated: Jun 3, 2020

0. #Reduce using or buying plastic. The World Economic Forum predicts that by 2050 plastic waste in the oceans will outweigh the fish. This is a huge problem for any living organisms including humans. Microplastic pollution may be having a profound impact on people's hormones, affecting blood pressure, fertility, immune systems and causing multiple diseases including cancer.


1. #Lead by example.The number one thing you can do to keep your neighborhood clean is set a litter-free example for others. Pick up after your dog, don’t flick cigarette butts onto the ground and if you see litter lying around, grab it

  1. Ride your bike. By riding your bike, taking public transit and carpooling, you reduce your contribution to air and water pollution in your neighborhood and the region. 

  2. Reuse. Reuse wrapping paper, gift bags, plastic containers and anything else as much as you can. Recycling is important, but reusing is even better and saves you money, too.


3. #Give Back. Become involved in a community cleanup, or better yet, organize one yourself. Everyone wants to live in a clean neighborhood and we love getting involved in group cleanups. Get your family and friends together, bring some music and snacks and spend an hour or two tidying up the place you call home.


4. #Find your voice. Learn how you can join friends and have a voice in the decision-making in your community to support clean, healthy neighborhoods on a legislative level.


5. #Mentor Someone. Becoming a mentor is invaluable. Using your skills, knowledge, and experience, you can help someone else reach their goals and follow their dreams. There are dozens of mentorship opportunities throughout the country.


6. #Shop Local A small way to make a difference in your neighborhood is to skip heading to SUPERMARKETS or your big-name grocery store, and instead head to your small local shop for your purchases. By spending money at your local, family-owned shops, you’re keeping money in your community and supporting your local economy. What this does is creates a cycle where you spend money and then that money is reinvested again and again through other shops and services.

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